Who am I – Remember

Who am I – Remember

Who am I? we ask ourselves… We have this incredible gift, the gift of creating archetypes: victims, judges, heroes, and villains, victims who became heroes and ones who become villains, heroes and villains who are born that way, just rulers and evil kings. ...
Your Full Potential

Your Full Potential

Embracing it means letting go of who you think you are. Because oftentimes who we’ve defined ourselves to be was based on the fears and limits of others.  This alone may not make sense to many. Most people don’t see how we can be anything but who we...
The Language You Use

The Language You Use

What you express is what you believe is possible – so start changing what you express and how. Every time we speak we are actually reinforcing or changing our belief system. The words we use ARE key to our success and how free we feel in life. All statements...
De-Compartmentalize Your Mind

De-Compartmentalize Your Mind

Compartmentalization is something that we’ve been taught to see as a strong survival trait, where you’re perceived to be able to stay stable, somehow unaffected by what’s around you. But compartmentalizing throughout our lives just traps emotions in certain parts of...
Push Through!

Push Through!

It’s easy for you mind to agree to do something different for a short while.  It actually feels good, refreshing, a change of pace, and escape from the ordinary.  It’s when your mind realizes you truly want to make it a new habit that it starts to push...
Drive Through Purpose

Drive Through Purpose

 There is the difference between someone that needs intensity to sustain personal drive and someone that just has it because it’s in them to give.  Intensity supports your energy, focus, and tenacity for sure – but applied over a long period of time, it’s...
Free fun Holiday celebration guid and meditation from Phoenix Internal Arts Academy Inc.

Holiday Guide and Meditation Please

Sign up here and we'll send you the link to access our beautiful holiday celebration guide and the guided meditation. Get ready for a magical experience. :)


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