True Change

True Change

Really working through our stuff requires real hard work. Most people don’t want to deal with their stuff.  They want to feel like they’re doing something without actually changing anything. They may try new things once in a while but only allow themselves...
Mental Depth

Mental Depth

Multitasking repetitively and continuously teaches us to work at a more shallow level and bakes in a pattern of scattered thoughts, while diluting our ability to dive deep and focus in on what we’re doing with clarity.  This is opposite to the deep focused thought...
Inner Child

Inner Child

If you do not stop to connect in and learn what your inner child needs, and provide that to them – the world can only do so much for you.  After all it is within yourself that your inner child has to find protection or you’ll always be looking externally to plug...


What drives you, what moves you, what makes nothing else matter and from your heart propels you?  What motivates you to do more every day? What moves you to fill your life with beauty around you? There’s a reason that we’re attracted to the finer things in life...


Knowing the difference between your expectations, opinions, desires, and your true centered self is what gives you clarity to know whether you’re experiencing a moment interpreted by your shadow or whether you’re seeing things for what they truly are.  Whether you’re...
Take it Ease…

Take it Ease…

How many times have you watched people fight over the little things and wondered why.  Why they couldn’t see that there was a simple resolution to things and that in the bigger picture, whatever it was didn’t really make a big difference.  How much did you want to say...
Free fun Holiday celebration guid and meditation from Phoenix Internal Arts Academy Inc.

Holiday Guide and Meditation Please

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