Stress Rescue – The Mini Workshop
When a programmer spends 14 hours writing challenging code, he’s in flow.
When a runner challenges her body to the finish line, she experiences vitality.
When a manager gets stuck managing her inbox and loses sight of the big picture, we call that stress.
Stress is our internal response to external challenges.
Stress happens when the challenges we face feel bigger than our capacity to manage them.
And let’s face it, in a world that is moving faster, becoming more demanding, and growing more complex and confusing by the day, it is hard not to feel stressed.
Join me for a ½ day Mystery School workshop and learn the skills you need to:
- Quickly de-stress and re-set;
- Feel increased energy and clarity throughout the day;
- Experience balance and synergy between your personal and work life;
- Feel more joyful and in charge of your life.