Knowing the difference between your expectations, opinions, desires, and your true centered self is what gives you clarity to know whether you’re experiencing a moment interpreted by your shadow or whether you’re seeing things for what they truly are. Whether you’re seeing someone for who they truly are or whether you’re opinion of them is being skewed by old experience, personal fears, or learned prejudices. You truly have to know yourself as separate from these learned mindsets to know when they are stepping in to modify your perception. To truly connect to the truth and vibe of a person, you need to understand how see them through your heart.. to let the situation and what you’re receiving from it come through to you without getting in its way. To do that you have to know how it feels like to be in your true higher self and how to switch in to that feeling when relating to others. Otherwise we run the risk of allowing ourselves to be swayed and controlled by things and feelings that come from old situations and may not apply to the truth of your current moment.
by Mihnea | May 1, 2018 | Quotes & Posts