Multitasking repetitively and continuously teaches us to work at a more shallow level and bakes in a pattern of scattered thoughts, while diluting our ability to dive deep and focus in on what we’re doing with clarity. This is opposite to the deep focused thought that meditation, Qi Gong, and other techniques help you achieve. But you notice how all of these techniques are based on bringing the mind together. If making your mind powerful was through teaching it scattered thought.. Mental wellness wouldn’t be an issue right now would it? And these ancient techniques for empowerment and human potential wouldn’t have emphasized it would they? Start setting up your day so that you break up your tasks in chunks where you focus on one thing at a time, and you’ll be amazed at how.much more you achieve, at how much clearer you become, and how centered you can be.
Mental Depth
by Mihnea | Jul 2, 2018 | Quotes & Posts