If you do not stop to connect in and learn what your inner child needs, and provide that to them – the world can only do so much for you. After all it is within yourself that your inner child has to find protection or you’ll always be looking externally to plug the holes in your heart. Sometimes you just need to stop forcing yourself through your fears, and turn around, and support yourself through letting go of them.
Our mind was vulnerable to impression and hurt while we grew. It wasn’t our fault, but all it was set up to operate dependant on others and to learn from others. It was straight forward thinking – “that” is what just happened therefore it must mean “this”. And the formula was simple – it was what do I need to do to feel safe and protected, what do I need to do to feel love? So every experience that happened in our youngest years impacted our sense of inner security and how we operate around love. All of life’s experiences that followed logically were built up on top of these experiences and interpretations. And even more importantly, much more of what life has to offer, was traumatic to our mind back then. Every time we experienced these traumas, they left a mark in our minds. They left an interpretation that was made by our child mind, within our mind – and as experiences grew one on top of the other in our minds, the original seed got buried deeper and deeper. That original seed has the interpretation given to it by the child mind we had at the time. Our adult thought patterns aren’t connected to it, they’re built from, and controlled and affected by it. The only way to undo them is to give that inner child the love and attention he/she was missing and needed at the time of the trauma, to allow the association to release.