About Us

Mike Popovici is a Certified Guide, Life Path Catalyst, Speaker, and Founder of Phoenix Internal Arts Academy.

His passion is to help you achieve the balanced, successful, and personally satisfying life you seek. He is driven to give you the tools you need to master your life so you can clear your roadblocks to attaining it, feel more deeply connected to yourself, and free up your energy. Mike left his corporate engineering career to help people like you shift powerfully through their personal journeys of transformation. Mike’s broad range and experience allows him to guide and support people from all types of lifestyles and perspectives, in both practical and spiritual ways.

True transformation can happen quickly— it’s a matter of understanding how to do it in real life and having the tools available to make that a reality.

Mike’s Bio

You ever find yourself thinking there’s got to be a better way to go about experiencing life?  Ever experienced barely holding it all together for more than just a couple of tough days at a time?  Are you dealing with things that are happening in the now, while being bombarded with things within yourself that you thought you took care of or never realized was a problem, to begin with?  Ever felt invincible, then looked into a mirror one day and wondered what happened – not being able to recognize the person looking back at you because they looked empty.  Well… that was me and then some.

I never did drugs, and always had love for everyone… but this was life, how I had decided to live it, and what those decisions did to me.  I always felt invincible, school came easy to me, I became an engineer and rose through a career that seemed limitless and the progression came easy.  I loved working out, I played rugby, trained in martial arts, I danced, loved extreme activities – sky diving, bungee jumping, anything with an awesome adrenaline rush, I could do anything I put my mind to, and I felt like I was enjoying life.  Not knowing everything buried underneath was about to come out and kick my ass.  So, the healing journey began – it’s unfortunate how many of us have to get smacked into life’s wall to wake up and realize there’s so much more depth to living life.

First you have to undo what you think is getting in your way, you have to realize that it’s just the surface of what you actually needed to address and decide that you’re not going to just cope but actually uncover it all; you have to learn every lesson that every ancient art of self-empowerment and self-enlightenment has been describing for thousands of years in what seems to be cryptic and super sage like prose, but because of the way it’s been presented you dismissed it all as a bunch of overly emotional and mystical BS.

Only unlike ancient times, I wasn’t about to go find a mountain to retreat to – I needed to learn to do it in the “real world”.  Holding down a career, a relationship I valued tremendously, and some semblance of what I had hoped for in my life.  A long and very interesting story made short, all of these lead me to the tools I now use to help others in what they need:

  • Mindfulness techniques.
  • Stress management techniques.
  • Qi gong, meditation, mind/body emotional balancing techniques.
  • Personal empowerment coaching.
  • And for those that really want to go deep – lineage tools that unlock your full potential.

I believe fundamentally that everyone should have access to techniques and knowledge that will help them achieve the life balance and inner peace that they feel is for them.  So, I help people with the full range of their personal desire for self-mastery, those that just want to understand how to gain balance in their lives as it is and even learn tools to sustain that going forward, those that are looking to unlock greater self-potential, and those seeking to overcome limiting beliefs that have been affecting them for years – and any combination of personal goals thereof.

I would be honored to be able to support you on your journey – wherever you may be along your path. Even if you don’t know where to start but know you need to start something, move somehow, and get some sort of breakthrough going, I can help.  Even if you just want to start exploring what’s out there without feeling like you have to sign up for something, I’m grateful to provide insights. Reach out to me below and let’s talk about what you’re looking for and see how Phoenix Internal Arts Academy can best serve your purpose and personal growth.

Do you feel stuck?

  • In a work situation that seems unworkable? 
  • With fear and doubt because you feel you need to take a path that seems impossible?
  • In a long term relationship that feels lifeless?

Do you feel like you cannot continue living this way? You know: SOMETHING NEEDS TO CHANGE! But no matter how hard you try, you cannot turn things around. 

I can help. 

Because I’ve been there

Lulwa Saffarini

Lulwa’s Bio

  • I moved continents
  • I ended my marriage 
  • I lost my homebase, my friends & family, my routine and the whole ecosystem I’ve built around me to support me
  • I got fired 
  • ALL within the span of a little over a year. 

And because of that

    • I am working creatively and by choice: I’m creating programs, workshops, events and journeys that have never been created! 
      • Workshops that incorporate the principles of martial arts to teach people how to have difficult conversations;
      • Retreats that take you into into the heart of life through exploring your senses;
      • Personalized coaching to help you ditch formulas and build your relationships, your habits, and your business…your way, around your values, vision and strengths.
  • With whom I choose:
      • My clients are people I respect and would choose to hang out with and support… for free. 
      • Every week, I am talking with the coolest people – from communal kitchens, chefs, art galleries, healers, movement specialists, career coaches and more – about what we can create together. 
  • How I choose:
    • To me, there is nothing more disheartening than pouring my life energy into something I do not believe in, value or respect. And that is something I have not had to do, once. 
  • With a powerful, conscious and mission-driven man as my partner in life and in business.
    • We share a mission
    • We make money living our purpose
    • We share perspective
    • We walk a spiritual path
    • We create joy as a way of being
    • There is nothing I or he feels that we cannot talk about – openly, curiously & with heart. 
  • With my chosen family of friends that is growing everyday, just like they are. With them,
    • every conversation is unique because they have newness in their lives; 
    • Life is alive when I am with them;
    • I do not have to explain, justify or change to make them happier, 
    • And yet they tell me what’s up, because they care that I grow – and I know they do because I can feel it. 

I have not only built my life. I am living a life I never imagined was possible!

And I created that in under two years.


Yes, because I learned it by going through it.

NOTHING can replace that!

And yet honestly, there’s more to it…

It is because I have experience.

I have spent my whole life honing the skill of visioning and actioning impact on personal, local, regional and international scales!


  • Built initiatives, programs and organizations from scratch. 
  • Conducted critical negotiations between country leaders, investors, financiers and local community despite the differing needs, opinions, the raging emotions and high stakes. 
  • Led country-wide training, advocacy and business programs that helped Jordan’s cleantech sector grow from the ground up to become the 3rd fastest growing cleantech sector in the world.
  • Created agri-tourism and adventure tourism destination locations in Lebanon, Jordan and Tunisia that serve tens of thousands of people each year. 
  • Facilitated authentic (and incredibly difficult) dialogue between Arab and Israeli youth to foster a commitment to peace and wellbeing for all.

And this gave me leverage…

✅ To create a one-of-a-kind life – my life.

✅ And help you do the same.

If you want the strategic, spiritual, emotional, business and people savvy expertise to help you step into your power.

I am here.

It would be my honor to serve you.

  Contact Me

More Info

Address: 230 Lake Promenade

Toronto, ON, M8W1B1

Phone: 416.418.6727

Business Hours: Contact us and we’ll support

Access My Healing Switch

Access My Healing Switch

Send me access to what will improve my digestion, circulation, breathing, and shift me into a state of relaxation.

Great Choice!

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Make Meditation Easy For Me

Make Meditation Easy For Me

Send me access so I can decrompress my mind, not get caught up in thought, and finally reap the benefits of meditation

Great Choice!

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Give Me Some Mind / Body Healing

Give Me Some Mind / Body Healing

Send me access to Inner Smile so I clear the negative vibes, energize my organs, and reconnect to myself.

Great Choice!

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Help My Skin Breathe Some Energy

Help My Skin Breathe Some Energy

Send me access to skin breathing please! Help me re-energize and detox energetically through the skin.

Great Choice!

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Access My Healing Switch

Access My Healing Switch

Send me access to what will improve my digestion, circulation, breathing, and shift me into a state of relaxation.

Great Choice!

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Give Me Some Mind / Body Healing

Give Me Some Mind / Body Healing

Send me access to Inner Smile so I clear the negative vibes, energize my organs, and reconnect to myself.

Great Choice!

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Free fun Holiday celebration guid and meditation from Phoenix Internal Arts Academy Inc.

Holiday Guide and Meditation Please

Sign up here and we'll send you the link to access our beautiful holiday celebration guide and the guided meditation. Get ready for a magical experience. :)


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